Scripture: Exodus 3:1-15
Dear Church,
Moses was eighty years old the first time he met the Lord. He was a failed revolutionary, a fugitive with a violent criminal past who was hiding out in the wilderness tending his father-in-law’s sheep. He had given up his dream of liberating his people from slavery in Egypt.
And then, one day, he saw something strange–a thorn bush wrapped in flames, but still green and whole. It was on fire, but it wasn’t consumed by the blaze. He wondered how this could possibly be. So he paused from his labor, turned aside and went to see. And in that moment, he discovered God; and in that moment he was discovered by God.
It was wonder that led Moses–to God, to his calling, to a life formed by the extraordinary promises of God.
And what I want us to see is that Moses, who had so given up hope that he no longer even despaired for the suffering of his people, Moses who was resigned to the oppression of the weak by the powerful, Moses who knew for a fact that nothing he did could make any difference at all–Moses was led into the work of liberation by his wonder.
Church–even when the world threatens to overwhelm you, even when the powers that surround rage and destroy, even when brutality paralyzes your heart with fear and despair–even then, the whole world is not woe.
Especially now, we must wonder. We must make space, go out of our way, pause in our labor and take time to wonder. We must wonder like our lives depend upon it. Because they do.
Wonder will lead us to the Lord. And the Lord will show us the way that we can flourish as we wait, walk and work in joyful anticipation of the fulfillment of the promises of God.
Because Moses saw a bush on fire that wasn’t burning. He saw it. It couldn’t be–but it was. And when he turned aside to wonder at it–he discovered not a plant, but the God who does wondrous and impossible things. And he discovered that God was calling and equipping him to be part of the glorious, impossibly good redemption of the world. And the wonder of it all is–God is calling and equipping all of us in that way, for that work, as well.
I hope you will join me for a word of wonder and hope, a story that’s about Moses and also about all of us, a Seed of Faith that will astonish us and equip us to continue to trust the Lord and bear fruits of the Kingdom in this season.
Pastor Kate
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