Freedom School Sunday // True Freedom // Kate Murphy

This week we celebrate Freedom School Sunday—a time set aside to welcome our Freedom School interns and scholars (and their families) to celebrate the incredible gospel-ministry happening on our campus during these six weeks.

This Sunday might just be my favorite. Why? Because Freedom School is more than a summer camp or an intensive reading program. It’s a place where kids discover that they are already enough, already beloved, and already worth celebrating. It’s a time when kids learn to silence the voices that limit them with lies or tell them that they’re broken or bad. In other words, Freedom School is the gospel in action—it is a real life example of truth walking off the Bible’s pages and into the hearts of children where it will dance and flourish. Freedom School is a jubilee-deliverance-welcome-to-the-Kingdom-of-God-miracle kind of party. And, I don’t know about you, but I could use some more of that in my life.

So join us and our Freedom School family, and learn how Jesus is still in the business of healing and setting us free.

At the Table: The Meaning of Communion // Kate Murphy

This Sunday, we gather for worship and communion. We gather to have communion—connection with God and with one another. And we gather to take communion, to share the Lord’s supper together. Before coming to the table, we turn to Matthew’s gospel and read the story of Jesus sharing the bread and cup with his friends. Together, we ponder the meaning and power of the meal Jesus invited us to share.

Please listen in, and bring your doubts and curiosity. If you’ve ever wondered what communion means, why it matters, or if you (or your neighbor) really belong at the table—this is for you.