A Kingdom Legacy-5 // Understanding God’s Heart // Pastor Kate Murphy

Scripture: Luke 7:36-50

Many of us are moving into a new season, new work, new responsibilities–shifting from the rhythms of summer into the increased demands of the fall.  At this hinge between ending and beginning, it is right that we gather to think one more time about our Kingdom legacy.  It is easy to get so caught up in all we have to do that we lose focus on who we are becoming.  Centering on God and his Kingdom over the demands of this world will often appear disruptive, inappropriate, and wasteful–even to those who have dedicated their lives to the work of the Lord.  In Luke chapter seven, we find the story of a woman who interrupted a meal honoring Jesus at a Pharisees house.  She came uninvited, weeping and wailing, and poured an absence amount of precious oil on Jesus’ feet after kissing them and wiping them with her hair.  The holy people were offended–that she created a scene, that she wasted valuable oil, that she disturbed then in their serious work of thinking about following Jesus.  She appeared to be an inappropriate mess.

But in that holy crowd, only she and Jesus understood God’s heart and true holiness.  And all the agendas and concerns and tasks that consumed the hearts and minds of the Pharisees that day have long been forgotten, but we still remember and ponder the power and significance of her act. We don’t know her name, but we are blessed by her legacy.

As we move into another frantic season of doing, I hope you will join me, as together we will seek the Spirit’s wisdom and guidance on how to create a Kingdom legacy that will honor God and point to his Kingdom for generations to come.


Pastor Kate

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A Kingdom Legacy-4 // Korah’s Rebellion // Pastor Cedric Lundy

Scripture: Numbers 16

Dear Church,

This Sunday we welcome a Grove favorite to the pulpit – Pastor Cedric Lundy. He will be preaching the message “Korah’s Rebellion” from the book of Numbers. Cedric is the director of Urban Promise and an adjunct teaching pastor at Watershed church.  Previously, he served Charlotte churches as pastor of mission and justice and middle school ministry pastor.  Cedric’s faith is characterized by his passion for justice, heart for young people and zeal for the Lord.  He and his wife Emma (a native of Scotland) share a daughter Isla.  In his free time, he co-hosts a wonderful podcast called Token Confessions, runs a small coffee-roasting business and enjoys making pasta and bread from scratch.

I hope you’ll join us for worship this Sunday.


Pastor Kate

Want to chat about what you have heard? Click here:


A Kingdom Legacy-3 // Jonah // Rev. Daniel Heath

Scripture: Jonah 3:1-5. 10

Dear Church,

This Sunday one of my favorite people is coming to the Grove to share one of my favorite stories.  Rev. Daniel Heath will be preaching a message on the book of Jonah.  Some of you might remember Daniel from the times he’s led worship at the Grove, or you might know him from his season leading the contemporary worship music team over at Covenant Presbyterian Church.  For the past few years, he has been living in New Jersey, completing his MDiv at Princeton Seminary and then serving on the staff.  He’s recently moved back to Charlotte with his wife Katrina and two sons Jackson and Jordan to begin a new call as the associate chaplain at Davidson College.

But Daniel asked me not to tell you any of that (whoops–sorry!).  He just wants you to know that he loves the Lord and his family and helping to build and support faith communities.  It’s a gift to know Daniel and a gift that he will lead worship for us this week–along with so many of you!


Pastor Kate

Want to chat about what you have heard? Click here:


A Kingdom Legacy-2 // More Than Enough // The Grove Youth

There is a line I love in Psalm 145 that says, one generation commends your work to another, they tell of your mighty acts.  We’ve been able to share the goodness of our God with the next generations this summer, because of you–you gave resources, you prayed, you packed, you drove, you cooked, (and cooked and cooked and cooked and cooked–it took a LOT of food), you played, you shopped, you cleaned, you chaperoned, you befriended these young people.  You poured into these children and youth this summer–and that is a Kingdom legacy.

This Sunday, they’ll be pouring back into us! During the sermon, our youth will be sharing the stories of how they met the Lord this summer.  It’s going to be a beautiful day at the Grove–loud & holy.


Pastor Kate

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