God’s Economy-Week 1 // Matthew 6:25-34 // Pastor Kate Murphy

Scripture:  Genesis 1:1-31, Matthew 6:25-34

Dear Church,

In 1992 James Carville was the key strategist for Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign, hung a sign on the wall to get campaign staff to remain focused on three key points with potential donors. The second bulletin point read, ‘The economy, stupid.’* 

And so ‘it’s the economy, stupid’ became a rallying cry in that campaign and every presidential campaign since.

But what if we don’t believe the economy is the greatest force shaping our lives? And given that Americans are divided about what facts indicate that an economy is good, whose opinion on community and right use of resources should be most influential for Christians?

As the first kid to raise their hand during the children’s sermon would tell us, God’s wisdom should be the foundation of our own.

We’re not stupid, but Carville was right, the economy is fundamental. The way we make use and share wealth shapes our world. These choices are deeply spiritual. And so over the next few weeks we are going to seek the Spirit and turn to the word of God to help us see the economy through the eyes of Christ.

What kind of economy does God call good? And what choices are we willing to make to help create it?

This Sunday, it’s Holy Economics 101, and we’re starting at the very beginning.  And immediately after we hear about it, we’ll have a chance to participate in it. Come, taste and see!


Pastor Kate

*the other two points were (1) Change vs more of the same and (3) Don’t forget about health care! You’re welcome.

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