Astonishment // The Choice Is Yours // Nicole Thompson

Scripture:  Joshua 24:1-15

Hello Grove!

I am so looking forward to sharing the message with you this Sunday. There are so many changes taking place as we wind down the summer. We are beginning to pack up our summer toys and prepare to make lunches and get bookbags ready for homework. Many of us have enjoyed this blazing hot summer while others are looking forward to jackets and cool breezes. As we look ahead to these changes, I want us to remember that seasons change but God does not. No matter what season we find ourselves in or what changes or challenges we may face God remains our consistent provider and protector and redeemer.

Last week, Pastor Kate wrapped up the sermon series, A Season of Astonishment: Reviling in the Ordinary Goodness of God, and this week we will build on that foundation. We will look at the goodness of God and ask ourselves what are we doing with it? I pray that we may be able to challenge action out of ourselves and each other as a community- in love, to recognize the gift of goodness and rest in its benefits.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday,


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