Seeds of Faith-Week 4 // Carry the Promise // Pastor Kate Murphy

Scripture: Joshua 14:5-15

Dear Church,

The Bible is a dangerous book.

The word of God is power (see Romans 1:16) and power is neutral. As my old New Testament professor used to say, ‘the same electricity that toasts your bread can kill you dead!’ Power itself isn’t inherently good or bad. But the power of the word of God can and has been misused to accomplish (and justify!) great evil in the world.

The right response to this grim reality is not denial or to abandon scripture. The right response is to learn how to use the power of God’s word righteously. And we know what that looks like–because we have the witness of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. AND we have the guiding wisdom and continual presence of the Holy Spirit.

All this to say–this Sunday we are going to look at a tiny piece of scripture you may never have heard before. But it has been twisted into a weapon of destruction and is still used to justify genocide and ethnic cleansing to this day.

I don’t want us to hide from this story. I want us to learn together why it doesn’t mean what many Christians have been taught. But I also want us to learn together what it does mean–because I think we desperately need this truth in these days.

Ultimately, this story is about how we carry the promises of God.

Like all of God’s truth–it is outrageously good news. Not just for us, but for all of creation. Because the power of God is God’s unfailing love–and our hope is in God’s full redemption. Unfailing love. Full redemption. These aren’t our naive wishes–this is the testimony of scripture.

And if the power of God’s word can be misused to do great evil, how much more goodness, healing, love and life will flow out of the righteous use of the promises of God? Beloved–it’s unfathomable.

This is a word that will sustain and inspire us in these days.


Pastor Kate

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