Sin School-Week 1 // Back to School // Pastor Kate Murphy

Scripture:  Genesis 3:1-24

Dear Church,

This Sunday, we’re going to sin school. Because let’s be so for real, as the kids say. We have some un-learning to do.

Some of us were taught that sin was what other people did.  Some of us were taught that almost everything we did was sin.  Some of us were taught that since Jesus ‘paid our debt’ on the cross, we were incapable of sinning anymore. Or…we could sin but it didn’t matter anymore. Or that sin really meant ‘missing the mark,’ which doesn’t really sound like anything to worry about.

Healthy disciples of Christ need mature and sober wisdom about sin. We need to understand what sin is’ and what it isn’t, so that we can discover healing, wholeness and freedom in Christ. So for the next six weeks, we’re going back to class to recover the truth about sin. And here’s my promise to you:

No guilt, no shame, no condemnation.

But also–no delusion or flattery or cheap grace faux-theology that our sin is somehow acceptable or benign.

Because Jesus really did come to save us from sin and death. And we need to face our sin in order to see our salvation.

This Sunday, we’ll be learning about sin–because we have nothing to fear. Sin is real and destructive and against us. But the love of God in Christ Jesus is the most powerful force in all of realty; and it is good; and it is for us.

Come and hear the good news about sin!


Pastor Kate

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